Pica Pica at Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2017.

Skyscrapers over the clouds, dumplings in bamboo baskets, bankers in constant hurry and traffic jams… Hi, Magpie. We’re in Hong Kong! And since we’re talking about speed, get ready for very intensive trinket watching and… a quick date”. 

I feel you’re ready for another portion of jewelry attractions. So we’re at Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2017 fair not without a reason. This is the best fair we’ve been to so far. Not only due to a ton of gorgeous trinkets from 2.500 exhibitors from 39 countries, because it’s undeniable source of inspiration – jewelry and the most beautiful gemstones and natural pearls from all over the world. Additionally, many great event managers of our Polish jewelry fairs could learn from the organizers. Let me tell you why…

Cooperation with press.

Already in the hotel we were greeted with a program folder on the bed, invitations for mini banquets with a glass of champagne, and a name tag for each Magpie. After breakfast, a special coach every day drove journalists invited from all over the world (including Magpies, because you have to know that the press arriving at this fair is highly selective, so the invitation is a great honor!) from the Hotel for the Fair. There in the Press Room   each of us  had their own signed shelves to keep fresh press. We also got the program with bolded points where each of us had to be. One of them were “quick dates”… 

By that I mean press breakfast with international jewelry brands/designers. At about 20 tables well prepared representatives of different brands were waiting for us. Out of the beautiful cases, trunks and caskets shone the jewels with which they came to boast. Some also had iPads on which they showed their website and photos of celebrities wearing their jewelry and placing it on their Instagram. In turn our task was to meet and talk to each of them.

Around the tables walked phenomenal models in evening gowns and presented the products which a moment ago we “mashed” with focus in our hands. Apart from that, during the official part of the Fair, the representatives of the Fair told about the jewelry market in China, and the press listened and recorded.

Likes from colleagues don’t count as promotion. 

These are only a couple from the range of good examples I would like to tell about in some juicy interview. Because, “blimey”, why doesn’t anyone do this at Polish jewelry fairs?  

This is how it works in Poland. Let’s assume you are organizing an event in Poznan and you are inviting… local media. Unfortunately, this is how it looks at trinket fairs. The question is whether the organizers are aware what they are doing wrong. Do they know that this way they reach only people in Poznan area (let me stress that “Poznan” is only an example  what is more, it’s my Magpie nest, which is pretty nice!), if lucky also from Greater Poland region. And now I will give you a simple advice.

If you want the event you’re organizong to be big, bring profits for the exhibitors (and you, too, because the more satisfied exhibitors, the more exhibition area you sell) and additionally seen as PRESTIGIOUS, then as the organizer you should also take care of selected media from the world  journalists, YouTubers, blogggers! Because they are able to give you what you need. Big media – prestige, new media – professional visual materials, and what’s more – unimaginable ranges and promotion!


#loveMyJob, Meeting with press friends at Hong Kong International Jewellery Show/ @hktdclifestyle. ❤????

Post udostępniony przez Pica Pica (@picapicapl)

Appreciated in the world!

That’s why we fly so often, dear Magpie. We make contacts, get to know people from the press, abroad it’s a lot easier. In Poland everyone is guarding their knowledge, this envy is a kind of our national trait. At the same time, at foreign fairs, we meet with greater openness, we learn a lot. I also to instill this openness in Polish trade events, too. 


If someone has a head open enough to get away from their organizational habits and would like to meet and talk to me (privately or to put my opinion and magpie beak in a colored magazine :-P) then please email me at: I just say that I do not drink coffee more than three times a day. So write only when we can create something cool together. 

And now I’m inviting you to see our jewelry adventure. I assure you it’s thick from the most beautiful and expensive jewelry with color stones you’ve ever seen! <3  


Jestem influencerką i strateżką marek biżuterii oraz autorką Pierwszego Polskiego Serwisu o Biżuterii BLINGSIS (dawniej Pica Pica), który po 4 latach uzyskał miano 2. najlepszego blogu o biżuterii według International Jewellery London (IJL).