Pica Pica’s 1st birthday. First such event in the blog world.

Wiesz, że sroka zwyczajna żyje średnio 22 lata, prawda? Czyli jeden „sroczy rok życia” to równowartość mniej-więcej trzech-czterech ludzkich lat. Ludzkie dziecko w tym czasie potrafi już chodzić, mówić… A co potrafi roczna sroka? WSZYSTKO!

First meetings. WordPress issues.

Seriously. When a year ago we sat with Katarzyna to make a plan, we looked at other bloggers and we thought: geez, this won’t work. They’ve been doing it for so long, got burned in so many situations, and we? I remember out first meetings, choosing the blog template, discussing the topics… WordPress issues! We only didn’t take into account that if we become Magpies, we’ll be working in magpie years. And the speed at which it all is happening surprised us, too.

A year of work. Friends.

It was a year of hard work. I don’t know if you know, but apart from being a Magpie I also have a full time job. Year of emotions – because Magpies are sisters so they fight like sisters. Yes, it happens. But we come out of everything. But not only fights happened. Sometimes we were completely stunned by help we received from our friends.

  • Paweł Tkaczyk advises us in marketing and promotion related issues,
  • Marcin, Andrzej and Jola from Goldsmithing Artists Association directed us to right people in the industry and help two callow magpies in acquiring goldsmith knowledge.

Thank you all for it, for everything. Really. It wouldn’t have been possible without you.

We wouldn’t even dream about it. Elle, “Gazeta”, jurors.

But you know what? This year gave fruits. A year ago I wouldn’t dream that magpie article would be published in Elle! That Poznan “Gazeta” would dedicate us two pages. That we will be jurors in jewelry contest. I mean – of course, I dreamed, but I honestly admit I didn’t have courage to deem those dreams real in any way. We’ll just write about jewelry, Kasia will take her beautiful photos, but that??

Results. One hundred posts, commercial cooperation, fans.

Meanwhile… One hundred blog posts, including commercial cooperation with the best brands on the market, 50 thousand visitors (on the best day we had 2 thousand!), 16 thousand fans on Instagram, 10 thousand fans on blog. And what fans! OK, lady fans. You are awesome, girls! And for that, and all the rest I forgot to mention, me and Kasia would like to thank you.

Pica Pica’s 1st birthday – first such event in blogosphere!

Magpie party wouldn’t have been possible without out great partners: Puro HotelsAPARTZalandoSono IdoniMarco Polo DevelopmentPower Save and MGNT. You are awesome for trusting us!

Big thank you also goes to Kompania Piwowarska for buying us a beerf. Kuba Guzik of Wooom for genius mapping, Poligrafia Fabisiak for printing promotion materials, Inna Studio for flowers, Music Store for renting music equipment, host Mateusz KaczmarekMNKYjazz for making the film and Magpie’s friends for selfless help and support. 

I’ll show you how it was…

As you imagine we had a whole lot of organization work. We were really afraid that something might go wrong, no one would come. After all, nobody in the blogosphere hasn’t done it. But … we dared, because we stand for our ideas and place in the net. We rolled up our sleeves, got our best partners, and started working on the organization. Many of our friends have helped us – once again thank you! Ah … I remember the excitement of sending out invitations and mailing a stack of pink envelopes. Luckily, we started getting confirmations from our guests very quickly (I jumped of excitement when ELLE let know that they would come, too!!) See for yourself:


Dziś Sroczki lecą do Poznania świętować pierwsze urodziny @picapicapl ❤️ ???? #urodziny #picapica #hotelpuro #event #love #jewelry #apart

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Elwira Rogoda (@jakonatorobi)

The party started. We were overthrown with gifts from the heart… People from all over the country – jewelry designers, our awesome fans (it was great to meet you –you gave us a kick of energy!) came to wish us the best. Who came? For start – bloggers we read and admire on the daily basis: Olka Kaźmierczak (Fashion PR Girl/Fashion PR Talks), Andrzej TucholskiPiotr Bucki, Magda Samborska (Rebellook), organizers of Blog Conference Poznań that is Elwira Rogoda with husband (Jak Ona To Robi) and Hanna Stróż (Szalonnooka), Dorota Woźniczak (Lumpatia) co-creator of Blogtok, Magda Stanek z (MyTuJemy), Joanna Kaczmarek and Jakub Wojciechowski (Fooodie Army), Maja Musznicka and Magda Białkowska (Milk & Sun),  Agnesa Adamczyk, Daniel Bagiński (Kajzerek), Radosław Latto (Rzeczpospolita Lepsza). haha… We’ve had quite a blog meeting. I think we need to do it more often. What do you think? 

Then there was a speech and I got so touched on the stage. And hug with Magpie Katarzyna. Michał Sobierajski sang us happy birthday. For those who live on another planet and don’t even watch TV – Michal is a genius musician, composer, The Voice of Poland finalist. We popped the champagne at the long table, where 300 cupcakes with Pica Pica logo were waiting for the  guests.

The event program was full of attractions –we wouldn’t leave such wonderful guests without sparkling entertainment! So we had genius glitter mapping from Wooom, SONO IDONI models walked the stage in elegant Armani, Versace and Valentino suits and the models left the elevator and walked among the guests showing how to match everyday outfits with jewelry (from Artelioni and Aztorin  collections from APART).

Then we auctioned Katarzyna’s amazing photos. All the proceeds from the auction (we collected about 4.000 PLN) will go to our sick friend, because we believe that magpie good karma needs to be shared. Well, not only we believe that – also APART chipped in, you could also win a weekend in  PURO hotel of your choice… Thank you for that!

In a word… it was amazing! Balloons, dances on the stage and all in the gorgeous spaces of PURO Hotels. I was very nervous, but it turned out that… the birthday party was mega successful. Anyway, see what our guests wrote:


Celebrating @picapicapl 1st birthday ????????????❤️

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Olka Kaźmierczak (@fashionprgirlpl)


100 lat @picapicapl ???????????????????????? #apartring #apart #jewelleryblog #bizuteriaapart

Film zamieszczony przez użytkownika @bizuteriaapart


#about #last #night ???? @picapicapl #birthday #party #poznan @purohotels #ootd #outfit #me #pale #pink

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Agat Wojtczak (@ombreby)


#hi #poznan ???? #pink #vibes #in @purohotels @purohotelpoznan #almost #ready #for @picapicapl #birthday #party

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Agat Wojtczak (@ombreby)


100 lat @picapicapl 〰????????⚡️!!! #birthday #party @bizuteriaapart

Film zamieszczony przez użytkownika Agnesa Adamczak® (@agnesaadamczak)

What’s next, my dear Magpie? I’ll tell you that we are going to grow, couple of new Magpies joined our team. We are getting to know each other and learning to work together. More details on our blog soon. And what to wish us? Wish us many jewelry journeys – because there is so many parts of trinket world we would like to discover for our readers. And wish us readers who will want to absorb from our posts and reports.

And now, if you haven’t already, see our relation. If you were there with us, remember this wonderful evening once again. I know one thing… In 12 sparkling months we are celebrating again – TOGETHER! <3


Jestem influencerką i strateżką marek biżuterii oraz autorką Pierwszego Polskiego Serwisu o Biżuterii BLINGSIS (dawniej Pica Pica), który po 4 latach uzyskał miano 2. najlepszego blogu o biżuterii według International Jewellery London (IJL).