moie. Originality and simplicity of a new Polish brand.

Recently, I met Katarzyna Kazimierczyk, who is the founder and designer of moie jewelry brand. I visited her on a sultry morning in her apartment in Warsaw, to which she had just moved in from Łódź with her boyfriend. Katarzyna made an impression of an open, natural, but also focused person. She’s an architect by trade and has a very specific way of dealing with designing as an engineer. She concentrates on ergonomy, quality and derives great pleasure out of following latest trends. As a result, moie collection presents unusual constructions, putting great emphasis on originality and simplicity. Along with her boyfriend, who’s a photographer, she made sure that I wouldn’t get dehydrated, serving perfectly cooled watermelon and constantly refilling glasses of water. Both of them are extremely kind. 🙂 Thanks to their hospitality, I managed to forget about the heat wave, and we discussed a wide range of subjects. We could have been talking for hours… (we’re already set for another coffee!) I first came across Katarzyna’s projects in July, scrolling through Instagram. And, as it turned out, that’s exactly when the brand moie was created. I don’t usually fall in love with jewelry on first sight. However, moie was an exception – as soon as I saw the photos of body chain on the screen of my phone, I immediately searched for the contact and typed an email, asking for a meeting. So you can imagine what it means to me. 😉 I had the chance to personally see that every moie product is crafted from materials of highest quality with attention to the tiniest detail. Katarzyna approaches each piece of her collection with extreme care and great consciousness. Its introduction to the market was preceded by long preparation, which is why the brand is truly professional. She said that moie is a response to the poor quality retail jewelry and the disappointment about the difficulty of getting attached to it. That’s why, inside the beautiful packaging, you’ll find an instruction helping you maintain the jewelry’s shine. If you were to lose the instruction, you can always find the information on the website.

Jewelry is the most intimate part of you. After all, all of these tiny sculptures are so close to your skin. They a soak up your scent and brighten up your body. For some, they’re just a way to complete their look. For me, though, they’ve become a way to communicate with outside. Something very valuable that becomes yours – chosen from multiple offers on the market. Selecting jewelry is a much higher level of consciousness than conventional fashion. After all, your every bijoux has a story, which becomes something more than “pretty pretty, flashy flashy.” I believe that jewelry is much more than just flash – it’s a lifestyle.

In Berlin, Katarzyna would buy a pricey piece of material, which inspired her to create small houses – beautiful, silver pouches for storing jewelry. What’s really great about it? She makes the makes them herself with a sewing machine. “All designs are very close to my heart, which is why I decided they are ‘moie’ (which sounds like the Polish word for ‘mine’).” Magpies really like ‘moie’ – let it become yours.

For the curious:


Jestem influencerką i strateżką marek biżuterii oraz autorką Pierwszego Polskiego Serwisu o Biżuterii BLINGSIS (dawniej Pica Pica), który po 4 latach uzyskał miano 2. najlepszego blogu o biżuterii według International Jewellery London (IJL).