Jewelry workshops in Jarocin. We play 925 – red, blue, yellow…

Do you want to know how Magpies are spending their holidays? We are checking jewelry fairs and events. Recently we stopped for a week in Jarocin. Not to dust off Walkman, put on boots and spike bands, although we have visited Polish Rock Granary (Spichlerz Polskiego Rocka) twice. Do you know, Magpie, that you can see there an exhibition on 40 years of history of Jarocin festivals and history of Polish rock? However, we were drawn to Jarocin by jewelry workshops. I will tell you more about in a minute.

The only such Goldsmithing Artists` Association?

We play 925 is a name of the third edition of goldsmith workshops organized by Goldsmithing Artists` Association in Jarocin. You should know, dear Magpie, that Goldsmithing Artists` Association is the only organization  that brings together Polish designers who make jewelry and design. The association was founded in 1991 by 15 founding members and currently has 159 members, 5 honorary members and 17 supporters. The workshops are traditionally accompanied by competition and exhibition of completed works inspired by Polish punk rock This year’s theme was the ceramics…

Mordain’s colors.

Work with ceramic clay takes time and has several phases about which I’ll tell you briefly, so that you could imagine how the work went.

You start with making a project in clay. When it’s ready you wait until it’s dry (you can speed this process up by putting your work in the sun). The dried forms are ready to be fired in ceramic kiln. But it’s not all. If you want them to have color and luster gorgeously you cover them with special enamel after the first firing. The workshop participants could use three Mordian’s colors, that is red, blue and yellow. The enameled works go back to kiln and… Voila!

You are probably wondering how these fantastic works were created in such a short time. Let me explain. First of all, the workshops were conducted by the absolute specialist in ceramic jewelry – Dorota Gulbierz – who  gave us valuable tips on techniques for working with ceramics, watched over the calendar and fired the jewelry. Secondly, creativity requires sacrifices, so many burned the midnight oil in the workshop.

Lectures, lectures, lectures!

Workshops, family atmosphere and time spent with people for who jewelry is their whole life! Sounds great, because it was great, wasn’t it?  But it’s not all. We had the chance to sit at the school desk and listen to the lectures given by esteemed guests:

Andrzej Bandkowski, author of the book “Art Jewelry- production course – new goldsmith techniques” (Biżuteria artystyczna-kurs wytwarzania – o nowych technikach złotniczych) which is the best guide in production of jewelry – a goldsmiths compendium. He told us of course about… new techniques. 

Profesor Andrzej Szadkowski, lecturer from Lodz Academy of Fine Arts, gave a lecture about minimalism and a workshop on the basics of composition.

Zbigniew Kraska, director of the Art Gallery in Legnica with Monika Szpatowicz – told about plans regarding the upcoming edition of Legnica Silver Festival.

Felicity Peters, jewelry designer, who came to us from Sydney, spoke about he work, where she uses the ancient Korean method of gilding – keum booThe method is based on placing a thin flakes of gold on silver. What was fun, everyone could try it. I, as a plodder Magpie, stood first in the line. 

Competition results and exhibition opening in Spichlerz

The week of workshops came to an end. We are waiting for an exciting moment – we’ll see the results of our work! Imagine a long table full of colorful ceramic jewelry. Around it on the walls are hanging the black and white graphics DADA IS NOT DEAD, that is a phenomenal series of Monika Lisecka’s works inspired with dadaism. You are probably suspecting that we are at exhibition opening.

It takes place in Spichlerz Polskiego Rocka in Jarocin. Respectable jury: Chair – Maria Magdalena Kwiatkiewicz, Dorota Gulbierz, Monika Lisiecka, Julia Rzepka, prof. Andrzej Szadkowski, Felicity Peters gave following awards and honorary mentions:

  • 1st PLACE – 925 PLN and exhibition in YES Gallery – MARGITA NIEBIESKA „Guitar Belt” – for an excellent response to the topic of music and color and creative use of ceramic technique and multi-functionality, space and lightness.
  • HONORARY MENTION – DOROTA GULBIERZ – ceramic course – MARCIN TYMIŃSKI „Two hertz” – for the use of ceramic technique, lightness, minimalism and romanticism at once.
  • HONORARY MENTION – MONIKA LISIECKA – work from Dada is not dead cycle – JOLANTA KUPNIEWSKA “Irokez” (Mohawk) – for response to three colors and use of Mohawk symbolism in an interesting and innovative way, for composition and color proportions
  • HONORARY MENTION – JULIA RZEPKA – REGIONAL MUSZEUM IN JAROCIN – double ticket to Jarocin Festival in 2017 – ANDRZEJ JACYSZYN „To co nas wzrusza” (What moves us) – vinyl record as a musical symbol, secret through hidden colors
  • HONORARY MENTION prof. ANDRZEJ SZADKOWSKI – jewelry work – ANDRZEJ KUPNIEWSKI „The Rolling & the Rolling & the Rolling Stones” – work with historical reference brings sentimental musical memories. Expression of forms in the rhythm of the ongoing portraits is a symbolic silence. Tribute.
  •  HONORARY MENTION FELICITY PETERS – MARCIN TYMIŃSKI „Eufonia” – the ring can be used as a musical instrument – flute, for the used textures and meticulousness of execution, the ring rail looks like a musical accord, additionally the ring is very comfortable
  • 3 HONORARY MENTIONS – IWONY JAŃCZAK (RIWAL company) in the form of  stove tiles – Dorota Cenecka, Andrzej Jacyszyn, Marcin Tymiński

We also gave our award, which is the article on And I’ll tell you that this time Magpies couldn’t agree, so each of us gave their own award. Magpie Agata rewarded “The Rolling & Rolling & Rolling Stones” by Andrzej Kupniewski, and Magpie Katarzyna – Andrzej Jacyszyn for the work “What moves us”. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for great time together. Enjoy!

Warsztaty z Felicity Peters.

Obrady Jury.

Wernisaż GRAMY 925 w Spichlerzu Polskiego Rocka w Jarocinie.

Prace uczestników warsztatów:

Margita Niebieska

Marcin Tymiński

Robert Bożek

Rafał Cenecki

Agnieszka Klisior

Tosia Tymińska

Dorota Cenecka

Małgorzata Podgórska

Tymek Klisior

Katarzyna Jankowiak

Dorota Gulbierz

Agnieszka Działo-Jabłońska

Jolanta Kupniewska

Mozaika uczestników warsztatów

Jolanta Kupniewska

Aleksandra Górecka

Patrycja Szczepkowska

Tymon Klisior

Jolanta Kupniewska

Andrzej Kupniewski

Andrzej Jacyszyn

Sonia Tymińska

Katarzyna Jankowiak/Pica Pica

Nagrodzona Małgorzata Podgórska z Marią Magdaleną Kwiatkiewicz.

video: Katarzyna Jankowiak/Pica Pica & Andrzej Kupniewski

uczestnicy warsztatów:

Jola Kupniewska, Andrzej Kupniewski, Monika Szpatowicz, Zbyszek Kraska, Paweł Montewka, Andrzej Jacyszyn, Dorota Cenecka, Rafał Cenecki, Dorota Gulbierz, Margita Niebieska, Robert Bożek, Weronika Bożek, Felicity Peters, Agnieszka Klisior, Tymon Klisior, Patrycja Szczepkowska, Aleksandra Górecka, Agnieszka Działo-Jabłońska, Sonia Tymińska, Emilka Tymińska, Tosia Tymińska, Marcin Tymiński, Andrzej Szadkowski, Andrzej Bandkowski, no i oczywiście my – Sroka Agata i Sroka Katarzyna.

Jestem influencerką i strateżką marek biżuterii oraz autorką Pierwszego Polskiego Serwisu o Biżuterii BLINGSIS (dawniej Pica Pica), który po 4 latach uzyskał miano 2. najlepszego blogu o biżuterii według International Jewellery London (IJL).