dzień babci i dziadka

Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day gifts. Forget the chocolates and heart products!

I’m jumping with joy, because I still have two grandmothers. Grandfather – only one. Each grandmother is different – one is a calm, caring home-bird (rather stereotypical), but makes the most delicious dumplings and chocolate cake in the world, the other one is independent and sociable – positive lunatic adoring trips.

Celebration… announced in the newspaper.

You should know that in Poland the idea of the celebration appeared in 1964 in the weekly magazine “Woman and Life” (i.e. guide-like magazine for mature women). Apparently, a year later, Grandmother’s Day and Grandfather’s Day had its supporters, because ” Poznan Express ” began to popularize it. In 1966, the “Evening Express” announced the day of January 21 “the day of the grandmother.” Thus a tradition of celebrating Grandfather’s Day – January 22 was born, and, Magpie, remember about that day!

And if some of you live abroad, it is worth to know that on the same day as in Poland, the Grandmother’s Day is celebrated in Bulgaria and Brazil, and in Spain – on July 26th. In France it is a movable celebration and the French celebrate it on the first Sunday of March. In America and Canada, the equivalent of Grandfather and Grandmother’s day is National Grandparents’ Day. And what about you, Magpie? Tell us in the comments, please!

Family stories enchanted in silver and pearls.

– “Grandma, how and when did you meet grandpa? How old were you when my mom or dad was born? What would have happened if my mom hadn’t had met my dad?”

In childhood, we are not deprived of natural curiosity and “What if” questions come to us naturally. Think, Dear Magpie, how much you really know about your family except that after your grandmother you have  those wonderful blue eyes and blond hair, which make jealous women ask about hair dye brands.

Grandparents are a treasure trove of knowledge. (I’m learning from mine the basics of Polish cuisine, because diamonds will not cook me a chicken soup ;-)!) So instead of annoyance when you are listening to the same story for the umpteenth time, try asking your grandparents questions that you carry in the back of the head or those that pop up spontaneously. It’s worth it! You can learn a lot about your roots, ancestors, and most importantly – yourself.

Gifts for Grandparents Day? We advise!

But you cannot visit your grandparents on their day with empty hands. Standard advertisements of gifts for grandparents recommend us heart products. But why so? As if they are old, it is a candy or Biovital they should get? Hell, no! They still enjoy their life, they still want to look good!

Therefore we rush to help – check out our sparkly suggestions from Apart (you can find links to products below the photos). And before you start whining that you are flat broke after Christmas, take a look at a specially selected gift suggestions for you (for every budget!). I hope you find your “treasures” and this year forget about box of candy and flowers.

(Pssst. I know you have a dilemma. My grandmother would also give a lot for cherries in chocolate.)

Go on, Magpie, let’s move our little rumps

And one more important point to keep in mind. Jewelry is a unique carrier of emotions and memory about the loved ones. We are often attached to it not because of the metal, but the person who has given it to us. But besides marvelous trinkets, our grandparents deserve, of course, an affectionate hug and your time.

We will definitely visit our Magpie grandparents for coffee, yeast cake with strawberries and dumplings with a beautiful pattern…

We’d sail the ocean to do it and bury them… with trinkets. Because they’re worth it!

APART, Kolczyki

APART, Broszka papugaAPART, Kolczyki srebrne z perłami i cyrkoniami
APART, Zawieszka z perłą i cyrkoniami
APART, Pierścionek srebrny z perłą i cyrkoniami, Kolczyki srebrne z perłami i cyrkoniami
APART, Broszka srebrna z perłami i cyrkoniami
APART,Broszka srebrna z perłą i cyrkoniami

APART, Pierścionek z dwoma perłamiAPART, Broszka srebrna z perłami i cyrkoniami

APART, Broszka srebrna z bursztynem / Srebrna broszka z bursztynem

APART, Srebrna broszka z bursztynemBroszka srebrna z bursztynem

APART, Pierścionek srebrny z perłą i cyrkoniami


AZTORIN, Zegarek
AZTORIN, Zegarek / APART, Spinki do mankietów 

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